Technical Programmes
Technical Seminars 2019

Zinc-Nickel Alloy Plating Improving Productivity

Mr. Makino Toshiaki, Director of Technology Development Department, Nippon Hyomen Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha

Zinc-nickel alloy plating is widely used because of its excellent corrosion resistance, homogeneous coating and stable Ni eutectoid. However, now there is a common problem found on many sites: long-term use causing to decrease current efficiency and productivity. The presentation discusses how to control the aging of the plating solution and improve productivity.

Advanced XRF Features Save You Time and Money in Plating Operations

Mr. Matt Kreiner, Product Business Development Manager, Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science Shanghai Co., Ltd.

A coatings XRF analyzer is a valuable tool for plating process control – it is fast, easy to use and accurate, and allows you to monitor and adjust your plating line to ensure high quality.  There are many considerations in choosing an XRF for your facility.  While XRF analyzers with basic functionality will give good results, there are advanced features available that can save you money and improve efficiency.  This presentation explores some of these advanced features and explain their values.

A New Generation of Chromium(VI)-Free Decorative Electroplating

Jochen Liebert, General Manager, SurTec Polska

Plating processes based on chromium(VI) technologies have been the standard throughout the past decades. With increasing speed, governmental authorities and chemical agencies are restricting the use of hazardous chemicals such as chromium(VI) containing substances. SurTec has launched a plating process for decorative surfaces which completely avoids chromium(VI). Not only is this innovative process fulfilling existing restriction regulations, it also achieves the same exact colour values as standard chromium(VI) processes do. Besides the convincing appearance of plated surfaces, SurTec’s process can be easily implemented into existing plants, does not require any additional waste water treatment and fulfills, if not exceeds, requirements of leading automotive OEMs.

The New Generation Gold Sealant

Mr. Sun Shengliang, Technical Director, Haining CoaTech Metal Surface Technology Co., Ltd.

The new generation gold sealant is patented technology that forms a unique uniform film on gold and nickel, Pd/Ni, silver final finish. The parts treated with AuroShield technology can have excellent high temperature resistance, high weather resistance, superior anti corrosion (NSS test), superior surface lubrication, no negative impact on surface conductivity and solderability.

Latest Nickel-Free Sealing and Automotive Sealing in Anodizing Processes

Mr. Weichao Liu, Senior R&D engineer, Dongguan Huizeling Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

With the tightening of national environmental protection policies, a storm has formed in the traditional surface treatment industry, which has impacted numerous mature processes and technologies, and at the same time poses great challenges to the development of new products. Here, combined with the experience of drug development and application, the presentation discusses the new way and new direction of aluminum alloy anodizing and sealing technology.

Sharing Successful Experience of Paint to Powder

Mr. Pengpeng Li, Sales Manager, Kimsun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Technological design, production efficiency and safety production have always been an important concern in the process of changing "paint" to "powder" in spraying industry. The presentation covers our successful experience and cases around the design of spraying room system for super-large workpieces, intelligent spraying scheme for complex workpieces and safety configuration of powder coating equipment.

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