Technical Programmes
Exhibitors' Onsite Interview Replay

"Meeting the Industry and Exhibitors" Onsite Interview Event was carried out in the form of Live Broadcast for the first time this year. We interviewed a few exhibitors onsite during SFCHINA2020 Guangzhou, with technical support provided by ibuychem.com and HC Group. Click the Video Replay to watch playback of each interview session, to learn more about industry challenges, technology trends, as well as new products and applications from industry professionals!



Like many other exhibitors and visitors from overseas, our Surface Finishing Journal (SFJ) International Editor, Mr Darrell Reeve, was not able to travel to Guangzhou, P.R. China this year to participate in the annual industry gathering. Nevertheless, Darrell asks the following questions to the industry:

  • Are you fully prepared for business life after COVID-19?
  • What changes are you expecting?
  • Are you ready to accommodate them?

Watch the following 3 short video clips where Darrell presents a few ideas for your business after COVID-19.


  • Shanghai
    NEW EXPOSTAR (SZ) CO., LIMITED - Shanghai Branch
    Room 1708, 17/F., Eton Place, 69 Dongfang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200120,
    P. R. China
    Tel: (86 21) 5877 7680/1/2/3
  • Hong Kong
    2101-2, 21/F., Jubilee Centre, 42-46 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: (852) 2865 0062
  • Shenzhen
    Unit C., 42/F., Block A, World Finance Centre
    4003 Shennan Dong Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518001, P.R. China
    Tel: (86 755) 6138 8100